RALEIGH – At this rate, and with the reality of viruses and general everyday risks being what they are, kids in places like Wake County may never go back to school in person.
Wake County Public Schools System is currently working on plans for remote learning extending into at least the start of the 2021-2022 school year, next fall. It seems no amount of ‘science and data’ is going to convince the teachers groups and administrators to abandon Pandemic Panic. All at the expense of the children.
From CBS17:
“[…] The conversation about a remote option for the fall began during Monday’s Student Achievement Committee meeting. Key factors discussed are any executive orders from Gov. Roy Cooper and local decisions regarding the health and safety of students and staff.
The Wake County board of education on Jan. 14 voted to postpone its return to classrooms until mid-February. School leaders will meet again on Feb. 9 to discuss the future of the spring semester.
More than 77,000 Wake County students signed up for virtual academy in the spring semester. More than 84,000 signed up for in-person instruction. […]”
What are the odds that there will be any more room for 2021-2022 applications to private and/or charter schools with in-person education in Wake County by the end of the week?
It cannot be overstated how unfortunate these decisions are; how much they cost kids relying on public schools, in education and in general.
Making it all worse, of course, is the utterly irrational basis of it all. Groups that admonished the public to respect the ‘science and data’ in complying with lockdown orders have displayed zero interest or ability to actually adjust their own perspectives when confronted with mountains of science and data saying schools can and should safely open.
It’s insanity.
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