According to a new report from Politico, the House Ethics Committee has leveled sanctions against North Carolina conservative Congressman Mark Meadows and former Nevada Democrat Rep. Ruben Kihuen over “sexual harassment-related allegations.”
Admittedly, seeing the phrase “sexual harassment-related allegations” and “Mark Meadows” in the same sentence is shocking, to say the least.
Meadows has been a conservative stalwart in the U.S. House while fighting tirelessly against the Swamp, and has always served the people of North Carolina with honor and integrity.
Meanwhile, Rep. Kihuen was forced to resign in disgrace as the #MeToo movement swept through Capitol Hill last year.
According to the Ethics Committee’s findings, Kihuen was found to have “made persistent and unwanted advances towards women who were required to interact with him as part of their professional responsibilities.”
With that bit of information in mind, one would have to assume that Meadows must be guilty of something major for the Ethics Committee to level a similar punishment against him, right?
According to the report, Meadows is being sanctioned by the committee simply because they felt as though he kept a former staffer on payroll too long after sexual harassment allegations against the staffer – which have yet to be proven – emerged.
So, on one hand we have a complete scumbag who was using his position of power to harass women in the workplace that were forced to interact with him, and on the other we have a Congressman who’s only apparent “transgression” was providing a staffer with his Constitutional right to due process as the still yet to be proven allegations were investigated.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say equating those two things is rather irresponsible, and no where close to the reality of the situation.
Clearly, the establishment Republicans and Democrats on the House Ethics Committee are grasping at straws to bring down Mark Meadows as he continues to be the unquestioned leader of conservatives in Congress.
One might even call this a bit of character assassination.
This idea is supported by the fact that Meadows has now been ordered to pay back some $40,000 in salary paid to his now former staffer, while former Rep. Kihuen has essentially been “sanctioned” in name only.
Just more proof that the folks up in Washington live in a bizarro world compared to the rest of us.
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