WASHINGTON, D.C. – Over his first year and change in the Oval Office, President Donald Trump has made some stellar appointments to key positions through out the federal bureaucracy and the court system. The nomination of eventual Supreme Court of the United States Justice Neil Gorsuch alone made Trump’s election a success for many conservatives.
With so many appointments to fill, though, it seems that at least one lunatic Obama holdover has somehow escaped the screening process. We submit to you Chai Feldblum, re-appointed by Trump and confirmed by a Republican congress to the EEOC, in her own insane words:
- “I’m having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win… Sexual liberty should win in most cases. There can be a conflict between religious liberty and sexual liberty, but in almost all cases the sexual liberty should win because that’s the only way that the dignity of gay people can be affirmed in any realistic manner”;
- “Just as we do not tolerate private racial beliefs that adversely affect African-Americans in the commercial arena, even if such beliefs are based on religious views, we should similarly not tolerate private beliefs about sexual orientation and gender identity that adversely affect the ability of LGBT people to live in the world”;
- “For all my sympathy for the evangelical Christian couple who may wish to run a bed and breakfast from which they can exclude unmarried straight couples and all gay couples, this is a point where I believe the ‘zero sum’ nature of the game inevitably comes into play. And in making the decision in this zero sum game, I am convinced society should come down on the side of protecting the liberty of LGBT people.”;
- “I believe granting liberty to gay people advances a compelling government interest, that such an interest cannot be adequately advanced if ‘pockets of resistance’ to a societal statement of equality are permitted to flourish, and hence that a law that permits no individual exceptions based on religious beliefs will be the least restrictive means of achieving the goal of liberty for gay people.”
It is unacceptable that such a radical opponent of the First Amendment should be in any position of power, let alone in a Trump administration with a Republican controlled congress. The EEOC may seem innocuous at first glance, but this agency wields tremendous power, as Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review points out.
“The same power the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) wields over financial institutions, the EEOC wields over property rights, societal norms, and discrimination laws. It holds unconstitutional quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial powers to trump up and adjudicate charges against businesses and colleges over quotas and discrimination.”
Far from the pleasant and warming beverage you may get at your local coffee house, Ms. Feldblum is a harsh and poisonous representative of the Radical Left and should have been regarded as such by Trump and Republicans in congress.
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