RALEIGH – The cohort on the Left that is virulently opposed to Voter ID, regardless of the broad, bipartisan support repeatedly demonstrated across the Old North State, like to parrot the myth that voter fraud doesn’t exist. They now say this in the same breath used to hyperventilate about election fraud in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District. “But that’s absentee ballots!” they retort, reliably.
But the need for valid proof that one is eligible to vote is definitely needed in our state is clearly demonstrated by a recent case involving a Green Card holder (NOT a citizen) that registered and voted in three elections in Columbus County.
From the News & Observer:
“Hyo Suk George lived legally in the United States for nearly 20 years before she voted in her first election, coaxed to cast her ballot by an enthusiastic town council member at church.
To register, she presented a green card, Social Security number and driver’s license — proof enough for the elections officials in Columbus County — then voted in 2008, 2010 and 2016.
But on Thursday, George, 70, faced charges of illegal voting from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, for which she might have spent six months in prison. Instead, U.S. District Court Judge Terrence Boyle chastised the elections board in Whiteville, letting George go with a $100 fine. […]”
Letting the old woman off easy, and lambasting the county workers that clearly don’t know what they’re doing was probably the right thing to do.
That being said, how many anecdotal stories like this one do we need to have before the Left gives the over-the-top anti-Voter ID rhetoric a rest? The metro paper references all of the other election and voter fraud stories that have emerged in the last few years, but also adds the obligatory ‘It’s not that much!’ defense.
It’s a weak defense, especially in contrast to the ‘Every Vote Counts’ spirit come election time, and given emphasis by the closeness of elections in recent cycles. Indeed, every vote does count, and therefore reasonable measures should be taken to insure people are eligible to vote, and are who they say they are. Voter ID requirements are a common sense first step in that process and clear the majority of North Carolinians confirmed that by voting to add it to our state constitution.
The notion that only a handful of people get caught, therefore only a handful of incidents occur is nonsensical. If I go fishing all day and only catch seaweed, am I to assume that there are no fish in the ocean?
Another curiosity about the coverage from the N&O and even the Washington Post is that they never mention which party the woman in question registered under. If it were the Republican Party, you better believe they would have led with that little tidbit…
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