ST. LOUIS, MO – You’ve seen the pictures and the video: an angry mob of woke Social Justice Warriors broke down the gates to trespass in a nice ‘privileged’ neighborhood; they trespassed on the to the property of St. Louis couple with an enormous, historic mansion; and, that couple was filmed protecting their home with guns as the mob threatened to kill them.
In a normal world, the trespassers and vandals would be identified on the videos, and prosecuted for their crimes. The couple would receive apologies for the fact they law enforcement was not responsive in protecting their lives and property from a destructive mob.
This is not a normal world.
The St. Louis couple have been charged with a felony by the local Circuit Attorney for pointing their guns at “protesters.”
The Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is a radical Leftist who is just as Woke as her campaigns are financed by George Soros. She announced the charges and made an incredible speech about holding people accountable to the law. No, not those people breaking the laws with impunity; the people exercising their Second Amendment rights to defend their lives and property.
Luckily for the victims of the Mob — a mob with members in the local prosecutors office apparently — the state’s attorney general and governor are backing them up.
In light of charges issued earlier today by Circuit Attorney Gardner, Attorney General Schmitt filed briefs supporting Missourians’ Second Amendment rights. Read the briefs here: and here:
— Attorney General Eric Schmitt (@AGEricSchmitt) July 20, 2020
The governor of Missouri also promised to pardon the couple should they be convicted under these sham charges. However, these citizens should not even have to stand trial for such a ridiculous charge when it is so clear they were within their rights and facing a lawless mob that literally threatened to kill them.
Congressman Josh Hawley (R-MO) is asking for a civil rights investigation into the Circuit Attorney’s office.
It is those very rights that are under attack here. The Circuit Attorney, the Mob, the financiers doing their best to sow discord and undermine the United States, are all interested in removing those individual rights and replacing them with collective rights. As in denying your individual right to protect yourself, and granting the Mob’s collective right to destroy your home if they wish, unopposed.
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