A controversial speaker is coming to East Carolina University Monday and will speak before a sold out crowd.
The student group Turning Point USA at ECU says all the tickets for the free event featuring Tomi Lahren have been claimed. Lahren is speaking at Hendrix Theatre at 7 p.m.
At the time Lahren’s visit was announced, she was working for The Blaze. Earlier this month, Lahren filed a lawsuit against The Blaze and Glenn Beck for wrongful termination. Lahren was ousted from her program after she said she was in favor of abortion rights while appearing on ABC’s “The View” on March 17.
Some at ECU say they will protest Lahren’s appearance on campus.
(Source: http://www.witn.com/content/news/ECU-student-group-responding-to-backlash-over-upcoming-speaker-416903793.html)
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