CHAPEL HILL – You could fill many text books with the number of ways the UNC System wastes taxpayer funds on ridiculous social justice indoctrination. According to a UNC Equal Opportunity and Inclusion study, the system spends about $17 million a year on ‘diversity.’
From Campus Reform:
“The University of North Carolina Equal Opportunity and Inclusion Study discovered that the systemwide diversity apparatus costs taxpayers $16,615,724 annually, not including an estimated $5,467,663 in benefits and $1,902,312 in office supplies and related materials.
The numbers reflect cumulative costs across 17 public universities in North Carolina, including East Carolina University, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, and others.
Although the report was triggered by budget concerns, researchers conclude that while consolidation of services “may yield some cost savings,” that ultimately those savings are “not believed to be significant.” No positions are recommended to be cut.
Further, the report warns against consolidation of services, given the importance each unique staffer has in “creating an institutional culture that offers safety, acceptance, support, tolerance, and respect for individuals.”
This culture of tolerance is bolstered in numerous ways. At UNC-Chapel Hill, for example, diversity staffers offer numerous workshops for students on issues related to diversity, microaggressions, and power and privilege.
At North Carolina State University, meanwhile, diversity staffers organize dozens of events every month, sometimes up to three or four per day. This upcoming week, NCSU diversity staffers will host a discussion on “Love as Political Resistance,” a self-care event called “Feelin’ Myself,” a talk on the “Politics of Black Hair,” and a handful of others.”
Money well spent? Yeah, no. Education joins healthcare as an industry that has some of the fastest inflating costs in the nation, and we wonder why?
You could eliminate all of these positions, and the associated costs, and the students at UNC System colleges would probably be better off for it. They may actually have the opportunity to learn real world skills and knowledge that will help them land or excel in a job, rather than earning high marks in ‘victimization.’
“Anthony Hennen, a research associate at the Martin Center, notes that the study—which was commissioned by UNC officials and conducted by an independent firm—is likely to protect the jobs of diversity staffers despite the system’s need to reign in spending.
“Within three months from now, the [North Carolina General Assembly] will receive a report that catalogs the system’s diversity procedures rather than criticizes its deficiencies,” he writes. “Should the legislature accept the report’s conclusions, diversity jobs will be safe from scrutiny even while university costs continue to climb.””
N.C. lawmakers should demand a more thorough audit of these useless programs and bring out the axe to cut costs that not only add insult to injury for taxpayers, but also perpetuate society ills generated by the Left that turn nearly every recent college graduate into a professional Snowflake.
Read more from Campus Reform here.
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