CHAPEL HILL – The University of North Carolina has been a leader in Woke Education for a while now. It’s no coincidence that Chapel Hill was years ahead of the current mayhem in employing Woke Mob tactics to target Civil War statues. They’re on the leading edge of the cultural revolution.
Until recently, these Woke credentials weren’t widely recognized as a real issue for the great public (even while many saw the slipper slope for what it was). In 2020, though, now that the Woke Cultural Revolution has been unmasked and unleashed, it’s a very real issue.
UNC Professor Tressie McMillan Cottom asserted in a tweet Sunday that “They have deputized all white people to murder us,” in response to the public defending of a self-defense shooting.
They have deputized all white people to murder us.
— Tressie McMillan Cottom (@tressiemcphd) August 31, 2020
This is the narrative of the Woke, the Anti-Racists, the deluded new age Marxists that hinge absolutely everything on White Supremacy and Systemic Racism. It’s the language of a race war, and it distorts actual reality to ignorantly or purposefully foment even more Woke revolutionary activity.
Riots in Wisconsin, and elsewhere, have lead to deaths. Two of those death came at the hands of Kyle Rittenhouse, an armed 17 year old in Kenosha protecting property. He was mobbed, he ran away; he was targeted with a Molotov and tackled as he ran way, and he shot his attacker; he ran to turn himself into police, but was attacked again, and shot those attackers.
While there are somethings to debate about whether or not this young man should have been there in the first place, such a consideration is irrelevant to the question of whether or nor he “murdered” the two people attacking him. Especially because multiple video captures of the events show anyone interested in objective reality that it was self-defense.
There IS a debate to be had about how long our institutions (or our taxpayers?) will tolerate, let alone embrace, the absolute radicals that have been seeding the Radical Left all these years. Now we are reaping what they’ve sowed.
And it’s still being sowed by education leaders like Cottom.
What Senator Ron Johnson said, and perhaps what Professor Cottom finds objectionable, is essentially that U.S. citizens are allowed to defend themselves against attacks with deadly force. ESPECIALLY in the middle of a violent riot where rioters are threatening to kill you.
Is Cottom truly ignorant of the facts, or willfully ignorant due to her apparent and total submission to a racial narrative that is its own toxin? Being that she’s a professor, presumably an intelligent lady with serious considerations, the latter seems more likely.
And she is hardly alone.
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