CHAPEL HILL – Dwayne Dixon is a familiar name to those that take notice of crazy Leftist Activist locals. The UNC Professor is also a radical social justice warrior that is fond organizing and arming Antifa ‘enforcers’ to attend protests and other public disturbances.
As such, it makes perfect sense that he was front and center at the Silent Sam toppling. Yet, with as proud as he and others were to take down Silent Sam, they sure did have a problem with others recording them doing so. Now Dixon has been arraigned as a result.
The assault was caught on tape by Big League Politics editor Patrick Howley. He has a bit of a history with Dixon, having previously been assaulted by him for asking questions about Heather Heyer. You can easily see in the video how prone to violence Dixon is when being contested. The collectivism he advocates, and the ‘Redneck Revolt’ Antifa crew he founded, are predicated on violence as a means to enforce or extinguish ideas.
“According to the arrest report obtained by Campus Reform, Dr. Dwayne Dixon, Teaching Assistant Professor at UNC’s Asian Studies Department, received a criminal summons for simple assault and warning of trespass on August 30 after the “Silent Sam” Confederate statue toppling on August 20. Dixon is due in court on Sept. 27.
UNC police charged 18 individuals in connection with the “Silent Sam” protests on Monday, Aug. 20, Saturday, Aug. 25, and Thursday, Aug. 30, UNC spokesman Randy B. Young told Campus Reform. The school termed Dixon’s involvement a “personnel matter” and did not respond to additional inquiries regarding whether Dixon has tenure, whether he still teaches, or is on paid leave.
The police charged five protesters with resisting, delaying, or obstructing an officer, four protesters with simple assault, and three individuals with misdemeanor defacing of a public monument and misdemeanor riot, among other charges.
Dixon did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Campus Reform.”
It is amazing that this man is still employed by the university considering his literal involvement in and encouragement of armed ‘revolt’ and previous arrests. If the university system is determined to respond firmly and orderly to enforcement (from now on), shouldn’t the first thing they do be to fire the professor hyping up destructive mobs and assaulting people?
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