CHAPEL HILL – We are all aware of how college campuses have become bastions for the unrelenting politics and social justice activism of the Left, but you might not know that as a taxpayer in North Carolina you’re helping to fund a ‘Hub for Social Justice’ on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill. And it’s not as if that hub is labeled as such; instead it’s actually the Campus Y.
The Campus Y at UNC, the oldest ‘Y’ in the nation being founded in 1860, has a mission statement that reads, “to engage students, the UNC campus, and communities in the pursuit of social justice.”
Magdalene Horzempa, a student at UNC with a double major in political science and philosophy, writes about this perversion of the Campus Y as an intern for the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal.
Horzempa writes:
“[…] Although a substantial portion of its revenues come from gifts and the University Foundation, the Campus Y benefits from its status as an official part of the university as well as generous university funding. Its primary purpose is to push progressive politics to all students on campus, from freshman orientation through graduation. If UNC-Chapel Hill bankrolled a right-wing campus organization that encouraged students to hold pro-life protests, take gap years to work for conservative politicians, and otherwise shaped students to teach them about “conservative philosophy and activism,” the outrage would be constant. Yet, when all the above is done for “social justice” and left-wing causes, nothing seems amiss. […]”
That’s exactly right. Can you imagine the totally ‘woke’ protests if the university was funding anything close to resembling this on the other side? They’d likely try to tear it down, like they did the ‘Silent Sam’ statue that offended their progressive sensibilities.
With more than 20,000 undergraduate students at UNC, how many thousands are completely excluded from what should be a neutral student resource? How many taxpayers, whose confiscated income is allocated to the university, and by extension this ‘hub for social justice’?
One look at this mission statement tells us everything we need to know about who the Campus Y is catering to:
We, the members of the Campus Y, resolve to:
Uphold the Campus Y’s legacy of social justice;
Honor the communities that enrich and strengthen our work;
Engage in reflective and ethical service;
Respect diversity of thought and background;
Recognize ourselves as students who are learning and growing;
Embrace the multiplicity of our approaches to social justice work;
Commit to honest, communicative, horizontal, and inclusive relationships;
Work with, rather than for, communities; and
Build and promote campus-wide coalitions to fight social injustice.
Does the Y engage in “inclusive relationships” with conservative students? Of course not, but that kind of hypocrisy is nothing new for the Left.
Horzempa outlines many more details about the Campus Y, its activities, and it’s mission to be a training grounds for social justice warriors in her article for the Martin Center. As a taxpayer, it’s best you know what kind of Leftist activism your hard-earned dollars are supporting.
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