CHAPEL HILL – When the radical Marxist protesters that illegally tore down a Confederate Statue last year were let off the hook with little more than a slap on the wrist, the stage was set. If you commit crimes in the name of Social Justice, you will not be held accountable, hence a letter from 17 senior faculty members of the University of North Carolina demanding removal of the ‘Silent Sam’ statue by Thursday, or else.
Or else, they’ll do it themselves, as they are hardly worried about facing any serious consequences.
“An anonymous group told University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chancellor Carol Folt via letter on Monday that, if she does not remove the controversial “Silent Sam” Confederate statue on campus by Thursday, they will remove it themselves.
The group, claiming to be 17 faculty members, sent a copy of a letter to the student newspaper, the Daily Tar Heel.
A UNC spokeswoman confirms Folt got the letter but said the university could not verify its authenticity. Neither could the Daily Tar Heel.
Students say the statue, which has been at the center of many protests, puts a damper on campus morale.
Students on campus said Monday that they felt rejuvenated by those who tore down the Confederate statue in Durham and then had their charges dropped.”
Having open discussions about both sides of the statue debate, or appealing to the historical commission to remove the statues would be mature ways to deal with this manufactured crisis.
Having faculty – the leaders and mentors of the students on campus – advocate breaking the law to remedy the feelings of oppression apparently caused by this statue is irresponsible and completely unsurprising coming from one of North Carolina’s Leftist enclaves.
What are the odds that distinguished Leftist professor Dwayne Dixon, you know the one that brings his rifle to protests to guard against the White Supremacists that never seem to show up, but whines like a baby when some one puts a camera in his face and asks about his role in the death of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville?
Fortunately, university officials have repeatedly and correctly asserted that removal of the statue is not within their authority, so it is unlikely to make any moves toward that end by the time the Thursday deadline arrives.
That virtually assures protesters trying to remove it themselves, police protecting the public property from destruction, and yet another manufactured flash point from the Social Justice Warrior class that has taken over college campuses around the country.
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