RALEIGH – A survey of 440 American universities found that almost half adopt policies that seriously infringe on the First Amendment rights of students. Further, a Brookings Institute study found one in five college students surveyed said using violence against a speaker known for making offensive statements was acceptable!
In 2016, North Carolina State University prohibited a Christian student group from handing out materials or even “speaking to passersby” in the student union without prior permission, violating the student’s First Amendment rights.
The intolerance always seems to come from so-called ‘tolerant’ Leftist Snow Flakes that can’t stand the heat of an opposing opinion, especially if it’s a conservative or politically incorrect one.
That’s why the Republican majority on Jones Street passed House Bill 527 – Restore and Preserve Campus Free Speech.
The law protects students’ right to engage in spontaneous, unregistered free speech, so long as the activity is lawful and does not “materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the constituent institution.”
H.B. 527 passed the General Assembly on party lines earlier this year and now heads to the UNC Board of Governors, which will vote on whether or not to implement it.
Generation Opportunity-North Carolina (GO-NC), a group that advocates for younger Americans, sent a letter to the Board of Governors urging them to vote to implement the law.
GO-NC Spokesperson Anna Beavon Gravely iterated just how important it is to hold the Board of Governors’ feet to the fire:
“College and university campuses should be places where ideas are accepted and challenged – not shut down by those who disagree. Around the country, we’ve seen free speech marginalized as speakers and ideas are silenced rather than debated and engaged. The UNC Board of Governors has an extraordinary opportunity to change the culture at North Carolina’s public higher education institutions by voting to implement this important law and we encourage them to support it.”
GO-NC recently launched a campaign urging North Carolinians, young and old, to contact the UNC Board of Governors using a digital tool and show support for Freedom of Speech on college campuses.
Our universities are often a cesspool of Liberal intolerance and Leftist indoctrination that feed into our voting population. Implementing this law is vital to making sure student are not blinded to different view points, and most importantly that conservative students’ First Amendment rights are not infringed upon.
Melt the Snow Flakes.
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