RALEIGH – It should come as no surprise that the Leftist zoo that is Chapel Hill, specifically the University of North Carolina, are all in with the #believeher campaign no matter the facts, or lack thereof, in the whole saga of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh’s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, went to UNC for her undergraduate degree. Around 600 UNC community members signed a letter and took out a full page ad in the university newspaper the Daily Tar Heel voicing their support for Ford in her uncorroborated allegations of a sexual assault 36 years ago.
We have few extra copies of @dailytarheel at the office for folks listed on the ad who can’t get to a box today. pic.twitter.com/MePIfruYJV
— EricaPerel (@EricaPerel) October 3, 2018
“The ad, which ran in The Daily Tar Heel, states in bold letters, “We believe and support UNC alumna Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.” It is signed by almost six hundred UNC community members.
“We stand with her and with all victims of sexual violence,” the ad reads. “You are not alone.”
The page, designed by UNC student Patty Matos, features the names of the ad’s supporters lining its top and bottom. The page also includes the number for a local Rape Crisis Center hotline.
Insaaf Mohamed, a 2018 graduate of UNC, told The Hill that the idea for the ad was inspired by the historic full-page advertisement published in The New York Times in support of Anita Hill, which was organized and paid for by 1,600 black women in 1991. […]“
The group think of the Left is on full display in Chapel Hill. There is little difference between this ad, and the rabid mob mentality demonstrated in the Silent Sam statue ordeals. If someone hesitates to violently remove historical symbols; they’re racist. If someone hesitates to label Brett Kavanaugh a rapist; they’re sexists (and probably closet rapists themselves).
Facts are not processed as inputs in their thinking. Only feelings stoked by the Left’s narrative authors is factored in, and then blindly regurgitated.
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