In this day and age, the far-left’s nonsense should no longer come as any sort of a surprise.
But each time we believe we’ve seen it all, the far-left crawls out of the sewer to jump the shark and prove to us all over again that they know no shame.
The latest instance of this far-left nonsense comes from Dr. Eric Sprankle, an associate professor at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
Sprankle took the entire #MeToo narrative to a whole new level earlier this week when he chose to take to Twitter to claim that God did not ask Mary for “consent” prior to the Immaculate Conception.
“The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include the scenario. Happy Holidays,” Sprankle Tweeted.
There are no words.
This is the Democrat Party in 2018, ladies and gentlemen.
While Spankle is obviously a pathetic and warped individual, I personally want to wish him the absolute best with at least one of his stated life goals.
I’m rooting for you, little guy.
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