Excerpt By: ABC11. Written By: Ed Crump.
Uber driver Marcus Fleming from Wilson was in downtown Raleigh on a Saturday two weeks ago when he saw a woman struggling with a man.
“He was trying to drag her behind those bushes and it was a scary. It was really, really scary,” Fleming told ABC11.
It was crunch time for drivers – just after 2a.m. – when the bars close and most everyone floods out of downtown.
He had just dropped off one customer and was on the way to pick up another when he drove by the man and woman.
At first he thought they were arguing, but despite the music playing inside his car he quickly realized it was much more.
“She was screaming. I heard her scream over my radio when I was doing my U-turn. And I knew that it just wasn’t a fight,” Fleming said.
Fleming says he aimed his car at the attacker and accelerated.
“I sped up and he ran off. Like I sped up as if I was trying to run him over. You know, just to maybe scare him off or something and apparently it worked,” he said.
He says he chased after the attacker with his car, but the man ran through yards and got away.
Fleming later picked 21-year old Matthew Herron out of a police line-up.
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