Excerpt From: The Washington Examiner. Written By: Philip Wegmann.
While Washington was waking up this morning, Reps. Mark Walker and Mark Meadows made things official on C-SPAN. Chairmen, respectively, of the Republican Study Committee and Freedom Caucus, the pair demanded complete repeal of Obamacare long before a replacement’s available.
More than posturing, the budding congressional bromance is meant to keep Republicans from getting cold feet. Walker and Meadows want to reuse a standalone repeal package that Republicans forced Obama to veto in 2016.
That shouldn’t be that hard of a proposition. “Seventy percent of the members have been elected on the Republican side running on promises that they’d do a full repeal of Obamacare,” Walker explains. “We’re just wanting to make sure we fulfill those promises to the people.” But three weeks into the Trump presidency and the GOP still has problems committing.
Republicans are all tied up in knots over whether to repeal the law with or without a replacement. All that hemming and hawing make Walker and Meadows worry that the GOP will lose their nerve.
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