WASHINGTON, D.C. – A lot of vote whipping, poll watching, and angst has been going down on Capitol Hill with respect to legislation rebuking President Donald Trumps’ emergency declaration on the border. Some Republicans voting for the legislation had honest motivations grounded in their perspective on balance of powers, while others changed their minds last minute, suddenly aware of the popularity of Trump’s efforts on the border.
With all the talk of balance of powers – some genuine, some manufactured – it’s important to recognize that a veto is also part of the equation. President Trump introduced that variable on Friday.
From Fox News:
“President Trump on Friday used the first veto of his administration to reject a bipartisan resolution that sought to block his declaration of a national emergency at the border, a move almost certain to kill the measure.
“Today I am vetoing this resolution,” Trump, surrounded by law enforcement officials and families of those killed by illegal immigrants, said in the Oval Office. “Congress has the freedom to pass this resolution and I have the duty to veto it.” […]”
You can watch the president’s full comments from the Oval Office below:
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