We wouldn’t normally be sharing articles from Slate, a cesspool of Far Left condescension and ‘woke’ policy love, but this is too good not to.
A few days ago a Yale University professor named David Gelernter wrote an op-edin the Wall Street Journal titled, ‘The Real Reason They Hate Trump,in which he picks apart the Left’s anti-Trump narrative and illuminates not only how ridiculous it is, but also what it says about the Left.
First, you should know who Gelernter is: In addition to teaching computer science at Yale and penning mold-breaking books on topics such as parallel computing, he is a futurist; an acclaimed painter; a former National Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute; a former member of the National Endowment of the Arts; published widely in a bevy of respected media outlets. He was also the first victim of the ‘UnaBomber’ Ted Kaczynski, losing his right hand and nearly losing his life. So he is no stranger to crazy Leftists.
The op-ed caused quite a stir, and so a Slate “journalist” asked to interview Gelernter, undoubtedly thinking they could make him look like a loon. It doesn’t go well for Slate, to say the least.
“In a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, titled “The Real Reason They Hate Trump,” David Gelernter, a professor of computer science at Yale, offers his own account of why much of America dislikes our president. According to Gelernter, “This is an instructive hatred, because what the left hates about Donald Trump is precisely what it hates about America.” He continues: “This all leads to an important question—one that will be dismissed indignantly today, but not by historians in the long run: Is it possible to hate Donald Trump but not the average American? … What I see on the left is often plain, unconditional hatred of which the hater—God forgive him—is proud. It’s discouraging, even disgusting. And it does mean, I believe, that the Trump-hater truly does hate the average American—male or female, black or white. Often he hates America, too.” Of Trump, Gelertner says, “He is a typical American—except exaggerated.””
The full interview is extremely gratifying as Gelernter, by no means the caricature MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter the media loves to depict, completely dismantles every attempt by Slate to corner him, and instead paints a compelling picture of the Trump Derangement Syndrome the Left clearly suffers from.
Read it here.
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