Trump supporters flooded a North Carolina Starbucks on Saturday for a sit-in after they said a woman was mocked for wearing T-shirt supporting the president.
The group, wearing some Trump T-shirts and carrying signs, entered the Starbucks on East Boulevard in Dilworth, a neighborhood in Charlotte.
They told Fox 46 Charlotte it was to support Hart, who was reportedly mocked by a barista for wearing some Trump apparel a few days before.
“They shouted out ‘build a wall’ and shoved a drink at me and then all the baristas in the back started cracking up laughing,” she told Fox 46 Charlotte.
The group called it “unfortunate” and “very heartbreaking.”
“At all cost, we have to rise above any opposition or anybody that treats us poorly. Somebody says something, please ignore it. Don’t engage in it,” Sean Kilbane told Fox 46 Charlotte. “Just be proud to be wearing the Trump attire, pins, stickers, hats that we have, that we live in a great country, that we have the ability to go into this establishment.”
Starbucks issued a statement apologizing to the woman and said they planned to speak with the store, the station reported.
On Saturday, the group said the sit-in was a little tense at the beginning, but as more and more people ordered coffee, the mood lightened.
“I gave them the name Trump and they did. They were very gracious about it,” Shellie Anderson told the station. “We just wanted to reverse the little negativity. So we did it.”
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