WASHINGTON, D.C. – The administration of President Joe Biden is taking pains to avoid the word ‘crisis,’ simply because this isn’t one they can take advantage of. Even so, the reality of an exploding crisis on the southern border is becoming so impossible to ignore that even the Leftist media outfits most interested in making Biden look good, are having an extraordinarily hard time denying their lying eyes.
That is, when the Biden administration actually allows journalists close enough to witness what’s actually going on at border patrol facilities. Amid the waves upon wave of illegal immigrants crossing the border with impunity, dominated by unaccompanied minors and sporting elevated rates of COVID, one thing is clear: THIS WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING UNDER TRUMP.
Even the audacious border-crossers themselves are saying as much. And Trump himself chimed in with a statement savaging Biden for his border failures and the cover ups currently in progress:
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