WASHINGTON, D.C. – The North Carolina Left love to hate Trump-nominee for a U.S. Eastern District federal judgeship Thomas Farr. The warn frantically about needing to block him, saying he is a danger to society, and they smother it in all of the same Democratic smear jobs typically earned by someone that is a true threat to the Left’s political philosophy. And thus, conservatives should like Thomas Farr, and be glad that he is going to be confirmed by the end of the year.
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, filed to end debate and advance Farr’s nomination for district judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina to the full Senate. Any consideration would occur after senators return from Thanksgiving break.
Farr was first nominated by Trump in 2017 and then again in 2018. If he is not confirmed by the end of the year, Trump would have to nominate Farr for the post again.”
True to form, the NC NAACP and Democrats galore have been fear mongering about Thomas Farr because he is a Jesse Helms “protege” and explicitly assigning Farr racist motivations. However, we all know Jesse Helms to have mostly been a conservative force that has reached legendary status after his death. Working for Helms and supporting Voter ID is what they use to turn him into a racially motivated monster.
““It is a slap in the face to communities of color everywhere,” the NAACP said in a statement Thursday on the move to schedule the vote. “Thomas Farr poses a serious threat to civil rights, especially since he would preside over a jurisdiction with a large African-American population. Even among dangerous Trump nominees, Farr stands out for his decades-long crusade to disenfranchise African Americans.””
The Left wants the public to believe this man has been on a crusade against black people for most of his life. That is usually indicator number one that the Left has little to substantively oppose in a person or policy, so they cry racism. It happens a lot because the Left has so little it can make a case for on the facts.
The voters of this state just approved putting Voter ID in out state constitution, so why wouldn’t their judicial appointments reflect that sentiment? Does that make the majority of North Carolina voters pout to disenfranchise black people too?
To the Far Left, the answer is, ‘basically.’ They’ll oppose Republicans and liberty-minded folks with whatever it takes to empower Big Government and social justice dogma.
Luckily, a reinforced majority in the U.S. Senate, the Republicans can move ahead with scores of confirmations like Farr’s, balancing out the judiciary incursions on the Left ongoing for so many years.
Read more here.
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