WASHINGTON, D.C. – At a rare bipartisan meeting held Wednesday at the White House on the issue of guns and gun control measures, President Donald Trump surprised many conservatives when he pushed back against due process related to taking people’s guns away, indicted support for Sen. Diane Feinstein’s assault weapons ban, and rebuked those that are “afraid” of the National Rifle Association.
“President Donald Trump on Wednesday shocked some Republicans and guns rights advocates by voicing support for confiscating guns from certain individuals deemed to be dangerous, even if it violates due their process rights.
“I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida … to go to court would have taken a long time. Take the guns first, go through due process second. I like taking the guns early.””
This is concerning language from a president that purports to support the Second Amendment and enjoyed a massive level of support from the NRA.
While he said he was a big fan of the NRA, he cautioned that they don’t have to agree on everything and accused Republicans present at the meeting of being ‘afraid’ of them.
The president also made the day of Sen. Diane Feistein (D-CA) when he asked if her assault weapons ban legislation could possibly be added to other measures congress is working on.
When presented with the option of adding a national reciprocity bill to the mix, in which concealed carry permits would be recognized nation wide, Trump pushed back and said if reciprocity is included it definitely won’t pass.
And including an assault weapons ban sponsored by one of congress’ leading gun control nuts and opposed by a majority of Americans and congress is not going to make it fail?
Conservatives are understandably perplexed by Trump’s willingness to subvert constitutional rights to Big Government gun control policies, while at the same time expressing support for the Second Amendment.
Some have suggested the meeting, and the language, was merely an ‘Art of the Deal’ type ploy similar to public meetings he had with lawmakers late last year on immigration reform. In those meetings the president hinted at a softer immigration stance, only to pull the rug from underneath Democrats when it came down for action.
One can only hope that the most recent comments on gun control are a negotiating tactic and not an indication that Trump really holds unconstitutional thinking.
Whatever it is, it’s not conservative. Luckily, he won’t be the one writing the bills.
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