Federal judge Timothy J. Kelly, a Trump appointee who’s confirmation garnered bi-partisan support in the Senate just last year, has awarded CNN and “journalist” Jim Acosta a temporary victory in their battle with the White House over Acosta’s press credentials.
CNN previously sued President Trump and several top aides after Acosta’s credentials were revoked as a result of Acosta seemingly pushing away a White House intern who was merely trying to do her job.
CNN’s lawsuit alleges that the network and Acosta’s First and Fifth Amendment rights were violated as a result of the credentials being revoked.
How can an organization like CNN have First and Fifth Amendment rights when leftists at CNN and elsewhere have continuously claimed “corporations aren’t people”, you may ask. And that would be a great question.
Unfortunately, however, Judge Kelly agreed with CNN and Acosta on the idea that their Fifth Amendment rights were violated – while withholding judgement on the First Amendment issues – granting a temporary restraining order that will allow Acosta press credentials for a short period of time.
Kelly made his ruling on the basis of CNN and Acosta’s Fifth Amendment claims, saying the White House did not provide Acosta with the due process required to legally revoke his press pass.
He left open the possibility, however, that the White House could seek to revoke it again if it provided that due process, emphasizing the “very limited” nature of his ruling and saying he was not making a judgment on the First Amendment claims that CNN and Acosta have made.
With Judge Kelly leaving open the possibility that the White House can revoke Acosta’s credentials again, we haven’t heard the last of this saga.
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