WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Trump announced Friday that he will not re-certify the Obama Era Iranian nuclear deal, citing an imbalance between the sanctions relief the Iranian theocracy received as part of the “worst deal ever” and the benefits to American and global interests.
Further, Trump described a new and tougher stance on Iran to counter their decades long sponsoring of terrorism, threats to annihilate Israel, and expansions of sabre-rattling.
“The Iranian dictatorship’s aggression continues to this day,” Trump said, branding the Tehran government a “fanatical regime” that sponsors terrorism and deploys missiles that threaten US troops and allies.
While international partners to the 2015 deal with Iran, as well as political enemies of President Trump, have decried the expected move as a dangerous one that threatens undoing the progress made in containing the Iranian nuclear threat, in reality the decision to not re-certify compliance with the deal is much more nuanced.
For instance the agreement itself will remain in place, but new trigger points for sanctions will be evaluated to better hold Iran’s feet to the fire. Ultimately, congress will now have the responsibility of deciding whether or not to re-introduce stifling sanctions on the theocratic regime within the next 60 days.
A key worry is that new sanctions from the U.S. will cause the Iranians to walk away from the deal to freely pursue whatever nuclear ends they seek while also keeping the billions remitted to Iran immediately after its implementation.
Instead, the Trump administration wants members of Congress to adopt new measures that would keep the deal intact, while spelling out parameters by which the US would impose new sanctions should Iran violate its agreements.
According to Sec. of State Rex Tillerson, if the attempt to craft a better deal that actually benefits the interest of the United States, Trump is indeed ready to tear it out by its roots:
“The President, on many occasions, talked about either tearing the deal up or fixing the deal, and he said many times, we got to fix this deal. What we are laying out here, this is the pathway, we think, that provides us with the best platform to attempt to fix this deal.
We may be unsuccessful, we may not be able to fix it and if we are not, then we may end up out of the deal. But I think what the President is saying, before I do that and just walk, look, we will try. We will try. We will go try to fix it. I think you are going to hear he is not particular optimistic.”
However the process plays out with congress, and the subsequent responses by Iran, one thing is assured: The ayatollahs in Iran will continue to threaten its neighbors and oppress its people while be driven by medieval and sinister ideology that goes so far as to actively facilitate ‘end times.’
Dignifying such a regime with dialogue and concessions that legitimize them on the world stage while doing nothing to reduce the threat they boastfully pose to the region and the world is naive to say the least.
Trump appears ready to face such threats with strength, while many of the other signatory countries either fall prey to the pipe dream of successful diplomacy with apocalypse hungry religious zealots (Europe), or are all too happy to see America weakened in exchange for their increased prominence on the world stage (Russia, China.)
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