In an op-ed written for the Charlotte Observer, North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis explicitly says voters did NOT give Republicans a mandate in the 2016 election, despite Republicans seeing massive, unprecedented gains across the country.
“Since the election, I’ve heard some of my fellow Republicans claim that the party received a decisive mandate from voters,” Tillis wrote.
Tillis went on to say, (emphasis added) “Let’s be clear: the American people didn’t give the GOP a stamp of approval or a mandate to ram through an ideologically-driven, far-right agenda. If the election was a mandate for anything, it was for elected officials in both parties to break through the gridlock to finally start producing results.”
Tillis makes his claim knowing full well that since 2009, Republicans have seen historic gains across the country, literally decimating the Democrat Party.
After Barack Obama took office in January 2009, Democrats suffered through a net loss of 1,042 state and federal posts, a complete rebuke of the failed Obama experiment.
The American people tried a “community organizer” built out of the mold of Occupy Wall Street, and the experiment was a total failure as the American people continued to suffer under the strain of rising inflation brought on by rising healthcare costs associated with Obamacare and the housing bubble.
Democrats lost the majority in the U.S. Senate this past November as their share of seats fell from 55 to 46. Democrats’ share of the House also plummeted from 256 seats to 194. Republicans currently control both chambers of Congress for the first time in a decade.
Democrats also lost 12 governorships, leaving them with just 16 governors nationwide to the Republican majorities 34. But it was the state legislators nationwide where the Democrats felt the most pain, losing some 958 state legislative Democrat seats.
That’s a 35.7% loss for Democrat governors and a 20.3% loss for Democratic State Legislatures since 2009.
Oh, and don’t forget the force of nature that was Donald Trump, racking up huge victories in state’s Obama carried in 2008 and 2012, like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Florida.
Thom Tillis continues to say their was no mandate, but the actual evidence shows the American people answered Republicans calls to systematically taken apart the ‘Obama legacy’.
Even the Democrats are admitting that their party is no longer a national party.
“We’re not even a national party at this point,” Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) said after the Congressman made a failed run at the House minority leader position, currently occupied by Nancy Pelosi. “We have some support on the coasts, but we’ve lost the support of middle America, and we’ve got to make some changes. So I’m pulling the fire alarm here, because the house is on fire.”
But Thom Tillis doesn’t see things this way.
This has become the typical operating procedure for Tillis since he’s been in the United States Senate over the past two years – the minute the GOP wins, Thom surrenders and abandons the people who supported him against Kay Hagan.
Republicans are going to add as much debt over the next ten years as Obama did during the last eight years.
And he’s going to use this ‘deal cutting’ to compromise on everything he was supposedly elected to represent – an actual conservative party.
Many North Carolina Republicans believed they elected a conservative.
But instead got a traitor.
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