The infamous Reverend William Barber, head of the North Carolina NAACP and Moral Monday March leader has made any number of ridiculous claims and outrageous statements over the years. Lucky for you I have compiled a list of the top 5 (even though there are so many more) outrageous things Rev. Barber has said or done.
5. In an appearance on Bill Maher’s show, Barber claimed that Republican leaders in NC are extreme and immoral and Maher called them the “bad guys” who hijacked the state. He enjoyed a high five with Bill Maher for that one- his clever comments about how backward Republicans are. Oddly enough, Barber and his crew are the ones who still believe, against all scientific evidence, that a baby in the womb is not actually a life.
4. In 2013, shortly after the election of NC Governor Pat McCrory, Rev. William Barber announced that he had delivered a letter to the governor decrying Gov. McCrory’s signing of the bill that repealed the Racial Justice Act. Here is an excerpt from the press conference he held: “We just delivered a letter to the governor and the speaker saying, you’ve got the power to stop this. Just reconsider your attacks on Medicaid, voting rights, the unemployed, and the poor. If you don’t, then we will probably escalate in some ways – I’m not going to say how – because what they’re not going to do is live in peace while they hurt so many people and destroy so many lives.“
3. At a convention of far-left activists back in 2014, Barber told the audience he was “bothered” by North Carolina politicians citing “freedom” to campaign against an over-reaching government. Indeed, Barber for years has lobbied for massive government programs under the cloak of “justice,” while characterizing as immoral any talk of individual liberty and free markets. “Our deepest moral traditions declare that the true challenge of society is not private charity but public policy that impacts how people exist every day of our lives,” declared Barber. Apparently “Morality” and “justice,” according to Barber, can only be achieved through political means.
2. On May 30, 2017, Barber was arrested after refusing to leave the North Carolina state Legislative building during a protest over Health Care legislation. In fact, he makes a habit of being unruly and blocking access to buildings as a form of protest and is arrested regularly as a result. Of course, the best way for a preacher to lead by example is to disobey the law.
1. He said in an MSNBC interview that praying for President Trump “borders on heresy.” Clearly Rev. Barber has not been reading his Bible. In 2 Timothy 2:1, Paul instructs us to pray “for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions.” Strangely, Paul does not specify party affiliation or even that we should only pray for leaders with whom we agree, or leaders we like.
At best, Rev. Barber is misinterpreting Scripture and morality. At worst, he is blatantly manipulating the words of the Bible as a tool for his own political gain. He tends to use his title as a political weapon, throwing the word “immoral” around with a sense of authority, hoping it will stick to anyone with whom he disagrees politically.
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