WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Thom Tillis (RINO-NC) has again teamed up with a Democrat to promote his bipartisanship and effectively carry water for the anti-Trump narrative of the Left. He continues to offer his unsolicited advice to President Trump regarding the Mueller investigation and even The Hill is wondering, “Who asked you?”.
“We urge President Trump to allow the Special Counsel to complete his work without impediment, which is in the best interest of the American people, the President, and our nation,” Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Christopher Coons (D-Del.) said in a joint statement on Tuesday.
They added that they have “heard from constituents … who agree that Special Counsel Robert Mueller should be able to conduct his investigation without interference. This should not be a partisan issue.”
It’s unclear what prompted the senators’ statement, which comes near the beginning of a two-week recess for Congress.”
As noted, Tillis call for Trump to let the Mueller investigation continue comes from out of nowhere, after speculation the president may have Mueller fired had abated. In front of a two week recess, he acts to breathe more life into the drama to the benefit of the Left.
Tillis and Sen. Christopher Coons (D-DE) have introduced a bill that would allow Mueller, or any special counsel challenge their firing in court.
Holding hands with Democrats to advance their cause and snub the conservative base that put him in office has becomes Tillis’ calling card. He displays his RINO label right there on his sleeve as a badge of honor.
Other Republicans in Congress are similarly perplexed about Tillis’ and others’ insistence on passing laws for what they feel is unlikely and perhaps unconstitutional.
“Republicans argue the legislation is not necessary and appear deeply skeptical that Trump would fire Mueller, who is widely respected in Washington. They’ve also raised questions about whether the bills are constitutional.”
So here is Thom Tillis, doing his best to pass potentially unconstitutional laws essentially attacking a president in his own party and acting like he deserves credit for crossing the aisle.
Read more about efforts to tie Trump’s hands and the president’s current takes on the Mueller investigation here.
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