WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Thom Tillis (RINO-NC) is right where he wants to be – basking in the spot light of adoring Leftist Media that view him as a sensible Republican willing to compromise. A lot of actual Republicans find his willingness to compromise on conservative principles to be the very problem with Tillis, especially when he describes those principles as ‘extreme.’
Tillis was on BuzzFeed News’ AM2DM program, streamed live on Twitter, to lap up praise for his push to give amnesty to as many illegal aliens as he can manage.
During the interview on immigration reform, Tillis touted his ‘SUCCEED Act’, which would offer pathways to citizenship to approximately 2 million illegal immigrants. When asked about opposition to his act from conservatives, Tillis, with out skipping a beat, said we need to silence those voices.
“Let’s silence the extreme Right and extreme Left in this conversation,” Tillis stated.
The ‘extreme Right’ in Tillis’ eyes is any conservative with a loyalty to the principles of liberty and rule of law. Any one that thinks illegal immigrants should be subject to the laws currently on the books is too ‘extreme’ for Thom.
He just doesn’t disagree with conservative positions, he constantly and assertively belittles them.
Watch the full interview below for even more gems from Tillis, if you have the stomach for it. Tillis is awfully big on himself these days, taking pride in sticking his thumb in the eye of conservatives and enjoying the fawning of Leftist press a little too much.
Perhaps he is positioning to run as a Democrat in 2020? That’d be the only way he stands a chance.
I’m talking #DACA & #immigrationreform
with @BuzzFeedBen shortly on @BuzzFeedNews #AM2DM. Watch live right here on Twitter: https://t.co/AZsuM5971c— Senator Thom Tillis (@SenThomTillis) December 7, 2017
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