RALEIGH – It’s looking more and more like Sen. Thom Tillis (RINO-NC) plans on running before Old North State voters, whether for reelection or another race, despite his embarrassing unpopularity. Last week’s search for a camera involved a trip to Raleigh to carry water for Democrats by publicly pushing back against President Donald Trump’s threat of a shutdown over border security.
“We need to come up with good border security, and I for one want to come up with a good, long-term plan for immigration as well,” Tillis said in a one-on-one interview with WRAL News.
“It’s not going to happen before the mid-term elections,” Tillis said. “We’re in a political season, and not many people, other than me, are willing to take a risk, even for good policy. I think it’s going to be in the ‘lame duck’ or early next Congress.”
Oh, you’re such a rebel, Thom. This guy is so full of himself, it’s hard to believe.
First, we know what Tillis’ long term plans on immigration look like. They look a lot like amnesty and expanded entry policies as far as the eye can see.
We also know what not very many Republicans, other than Thom, are willing to take some of the stands he takes. That’s because they are stand for the political Left.
To drive this point home, Tillis, like he always does, hit out at the conservative Right on the issue of gun rights.
“”Let the far right and the far left – who don’t really want to address the issue but to only advance their agenda – go somewhere,” he said.
“Let those of us who recognize there is a solution that involves mental health, that involves better coordination with law enforcement agencies, there’s a solution to be had. That’s the only way to look at it.””
Tillis’ RINO sensibilities run so deep that he lashes out at the “far right” in a completely unprovoked and nonsensical way.
That’s just how he rolls, and we’re hoping he rolls right into retirement.
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