RALEIGH – In a culmination of decades of gun control pushes by the Left, not to mention overall erosion of our constitutional rights, some county sheriffs and commissions have felt it necessary to reassert their commitment to the individual rights they took an oath to protect. Three North Carolina counties have made such declarations already, and more are planning to consider such moves.
A wave of proclamations in support of the Second Amendment by county sheriffs in Virginia came after a surging Democrat majority in their state legislature threatened laws blatantly violating the Constitution. Though the North Carolina still has Republican majorities in the General Assembly, it is the First in Freedom state. It’s best to nip government overreach in the bud, before it can sprout into a Leviathan. The U.S. Constitution itself is supposed to be the inviolable framework that prevents such a thing, but we find ourselves having to reaffirm what government must not do.
Lincoln, Surry and Wilkes counties voted to defend gun ownership. Cherokee and Rutherford counties voted to do the same in 2019. Davidson County is considering a similar vote.
Considering the content of the approved resolutions, these aren’t mere publicity stunts. Lincoln County resolved to refuse to “enforce any new restrictions on gun ownership.” Wilkes County proclaimed they would oppose all efforts to restrict gun rights. Surry County specifically resolved to not use any county government resources to facilitate new gun control or confiscations of law-abiding citizens.
Standing up to reassert the sanctity of these inalienable rights before they come under more pointed attacks, Surry County Republican Party Chairman Mark Jones doesn’t see why we should wait for a crisis to recommit ourselves to the Constitution.
From Mount Airy News:
“[…] The Surry County GOP chairman said no fears have emerged about threats to Second Amendment rights in North Carolina, where Republicans control the Legislature. But he thinks it’s important to generate grass roots support in the Tar Heel State now.
“Why wait until we get in a crisis?” Jones said. […]
“You will notice that we do not use the word ‘sanctuary,’” Jones added regarding the wording of the local resolution to be presented.
“Our intent is the draw a clear distinction between sanctuary cities that protect criminal illegal aliens and the process of protecting Second Amendment rights.”
In further clarifying the Surry GOP’s stance, Jones pointed out that “sanctuaries for criminal illegal aliens are unconstitutional, illegal, dangerous and illogical.”
This is in contrast to the protection of Second Amendment rights which is “constitutional, legal, just, wise and part of our birthright as American citizens,” he mentioned. “These are two very different concepts.” […]”
Jones’ point is a good one. The term ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ has been problematic from the get-go because of its conflation with ‘sanctuary cities’ and sheriffs that flout immigration law enforcement efforts in favor of releasing child rapists and such back into their communities’ shadows. The stands couldn’t be more different.
Davidson County is anticipating a vote their own resolution to defend the Second Amendment and thousands have joined a Facebook group in support of the effort. The leaders of that effort, too, view it as an insurance policy against potential future government misdeeds.
From MYFox8:
“[…] “It just says, we will not allow our county resources to be used towards any law that would be used to infringe on our Second Amendment,” County Commissioner Zak Crotts said.
Crotts has placed the resolution on the agenda for the next commissioners meeting, telling FOX8, this is an insurance policy.
“We may not have anything going on in North Carolina right now, but I think it’s important each county make a stand,” he said. […]”
Democrats are already benefiting from their Sue til Blue redistricting victories, and the Republican majority already thinned out in 2018. It’s not hard to imagine a future in which populous blue regions of the state seek to enforce an anti-constitutional agenda on the rest of the Old North State. As such, it’s prudent for these counties to take a stand reasserting their commitment to their citizens’ individual rights as outlined in the Constitution.
Hopefully the votes themselves are indication that North Carolinians are intent on being the First in Freedom state, not merely seeming like it.
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