WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the first weeks of 2019, Sen. Thom Tillis (RINO-NC) has been making a lot of noise that does little but benefit the Left. He calls it ‘bipartisanship,’ but the voters that put him in office are left wondering how their ‘representation’ on Capitol Hill is doing anything other than working against their interests.
Recently the Tillis office sent out an email to North Carolinians reviewing his work in 2018, and touting it as a year of ‘bipartisan accomplishments,’ as if voters put him in office to be the “Democrats’ best butt buddy,” as one incensed North Carolina Republican voter put it.
Of those 20 toots of Tillis’ own horn, a majority deal with veterans issues, which is a fail-safe way for politicians to rack up support. Luckily Tillis hasn’t actually accomplished some of the Leftist goals he’s espoused, like saving Obamacare or granting amnesty to illegal aliens. Still, in what basically amounts to a campaign mailer, he gloats about legislation he had worked into the behemoth Farm Bill to take some people’s money and give it to others.
Look beyond all the feel-good terminology and compassion-inducing subjects to see that Tillis, ostensibly a conservative Republican, is holding up the redistribution of wealth as one of his accomplishments in 2018.
The Farm Bill was, and always is, a monstrosity that makes a mockery of the principles of economic liberty and property rights. It is perfect exhibition in Big Government; it is a giant redistribution of wealth. Full stop.
This is where Tillis is right at home: in the Swamp, playing footsie with Democrats, spending other people’s money, blasting the ‘Far Right,’ and then turning around to ask for conservatives’ vote come election time.
A lot of those voters were hoping to hear about their senator’s ‘Conservative Accomplishments’ when they cast their ballot. That is a pipe dream when it comes to Sen. Thom Tillis (Bi-NC).
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