RALEIGH – Democratic politicians and the Left at Large are all in for voting by mail. So much so that they smear any proposed restriction (or restoration) on mail-in voting rules as tantamount to Jim Crow. It’s absurd; but their is a reason the Left is so willing to embarrass themselves for the expansion of mail-in voting.
While it may seem pretty obvious to some, a picture has a way of driving home the point of it all:
North Carolina in 2020, only considering the absentee by-mail vote. This was only 18% of the total electorate, but these voters gave Biden over 70%. #ncpol pic.twitter.com/oJwjQFjKgU
— J. Miles Coleman (@JMilesColeman) April 4, 2021
The Democrats dominate the absentee vote; in North Carolina and around the country. If you knew, as a political strategist, that a particular form of voting can be exploited to yield margins like this, you might just be willing to lie, smear, and spiel your way to expanding that form of voting exponentially.
And if your opposition has anything to say about it…racist. A simple formula and a sinister motivation.
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