WASHINGTON, D.C. – The US House votes on HR1 today, the bill nationalizing elections and representing the Democrats most audacious effort ever to turn elections into mere rubber-stamping of One Party Rule.
“It’s not just that many parts of it are unconstitutional; it’s all just bad policy. It’s basically a federal takeover of the administration of elections.
“It’s all bad. There is not a single good provision anywhere in this bill, and it’s as if they WANT it to be easy to cheat and easy to manipulate election results.”
“[…] I mean this law outlaws all states’ voter ID laws. So any state that’s passed one, like South Carolina, or Georgia, they can no longer enforce their voter ID law.
“They want to make it easy to cheat with absentee ballots. If you’re a state that requires a witness signature on an absentee ballot, which is kind of common sense because it’s a way of ensuring that the voter has actually filled it out, guess what? You can’t enforce that anymore; you cannot require a witness signature. Now, why in the world do things like that, other than to make it easy top cheat?“
McCrae Dowless can’t believe it. HE had to forge witness signatures to commit absentee ballot harvesting fraud; now, under HR1, you wouldn’t even need a witness signature at all.
It’s a vote harvester’s paradise:
“Look, there’s provisions in here that will make it almost impossible for states to actually clean up their voter rolls, to maintain their accuracy, and there’s things that will make it worse. For example, it requires every state to allow vote harvesting. Now, ‘vote harvesting’ is when a state allows third party strangers, political operatives, to come to your front door to pick up and deliver (well, hopefully deliver) your absentee ballot, which, of course, puts your ballot in the hands of people who might change it or alter it […] A lot of states ban that; now they would have to allow it [under HR1].”
Absentee ballots are pretty secure though, right Josh?
So, HR1 is all but certainly going to pass the House with Speaker Pelosi at the Helm. Then it’s up to the Senate, where the rubber really meets the road, unless someone kills the engine.
“It’s gonna pass in the House. Nancy Pelosi has brow-beaten every single Democrat in the House to become a sponsor of it. And, by the way, she has announced that she’s bringing it to the floor in the House without any hearings first. […] They want this to go through, like a greased pig, through the House, and then get it over to the Senate where it will be up to the Republicans to mount a filibuster to stop this from passing.”
Do you think we can rely on Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis to oppose this? While we’d like to think so, recent history cautions us against being so sure.
Listen to the rest of the enlightening (and frightening) interview with Hans von Spakovsky here.
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