DENVER, CO – Over the weekend a Patriot Prayer event was met with a counter-protest from BLM and an assortment of Far Leftists. It got violent, shots rang out, and one person is dead.
This story should be plastered all over every major network, but it’s not. Why not? Probably because the shooter was not a ‘Far Right Extremist,’ that the Left-leaning media would undoubtedly exploit and report feverishly.
No; the shooter, now charged with first degree murder, is actually a Leftist whose social media is riddled with the kind of ‘Woke’ virtue signaling you’d expect.
As reported by Big League Politics:
“The “private security guard” arrested and charged with first-degree murder in the shooting death of a Patriot Prayer demonstrator in Denver is a far leftist with a track record of left-wing social media postings, Big League Politics can confirm.
It’s not surprising that Dolloff is quick to resort to violence against conservatives when he views President Trump as a “fascist dictator.” […]
On Dolloff’s Twitter, he liked content pertaining to Bernie Sanders and Cenk Uygur, and posts that argued for the Confederate flag to be treated in a manner akin to the Nazi swastika. […]
The far leftist had the gall to claim that Trump supporters were violently beating liberal activists, years before he shot a man armed only with spraying mace in the head at point blank range. […]
Dolloff shared content from hysterical MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann, who most recently called for Trump supporters to be “purged” from American society. […]”
It looks like Dolloff took the ‘purge’ of Trump supporters into his own hands. It goes without saying, but still needs to be said, that if this situation were reversed it would be a huge story with commentary from Democrats across the country about how Trump is encouraging violence.
Just look at what they did with Kyle Rittenhouse, who is on video being repeatedly attacked, while running away, before defending his life with his firearm.
Sadly, this kind of political violence is becoming more common. Sadder still, it will likely escalate into the election and beyond, from emboldened Leftists like Dolloff. Check out his social media posts at Big League Politics.
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