RALEIGH – The storm hasn’t even fully arrived and already the environmental Left (and therefore the Left in general) is already tying Hurricane Florence to man-made climate change. The whackos are quick to use weather as “proof” of global warming, yet admonish ‘deniers’ that point to contrary weather patterns that seem to undercut it.
Actually, the Leftist media in Raleigh is busy laying the groundwork to blame property destruction from the storm on Republicans due to their dismissal of a 2010 Coastal Resources Commission report on expected sea level rise over the next 100 years.
“Now, with Hurricane Florence bearing down on the Carolinas, and thousands evacuating from the coast, that decision is once again making national headlines and drawing criticism from those who say state leaders who approved the bill were nearsighted.
Some are saying the 2012 law could mean more damage from storms like Florence.
In 2010, a panel of scientists from the Coastal Resources Commission presented a report that showed sea levels along the Carolina coast could rise 39 inches over a century, which could put 2,000 square miles in jeopardy.
The report was essentially a fear mongering document, calling for 55 inches of sea level rise, based on the same sets of exaggerated data and hypotheses that have exposed the climate science crowd as agenda advocates rather honest arbiters of the scientific method.
In addition, the bureaucrats on the commission were adopting the reports conclusions in such a way that it would dictate policy for coastal development, something coastal lawmakers immediately took notice of.
Like any good representative, lawmakers from the coast sought to throw out the report and leave it to local jurisdictions to study and react to any sea level rise. Otherwise, this wildly exaggerated, myth-supporting study would lead to a massive burden of compliance upon coastal property owners and developers. So they Rep. Pat McElraft (R-Carteret) sponsored a bill to leave it to the locals to “define sea level changes.”
“McElraft is a former real-estate agent, and developers and the real-estate industry have contributed heavily to her campaigns. Among her top contributors have been the North Carolina Association of Realtors and the North Carolina Home Builders Association, according to the National Institute on Money in State Politics.
McElraft first introduced the bill in the legislature in April 2011. The bill essentially banned the use of the 100-year sea-level-rise forecast by many of the agencies the state controls.
The bill initially aimed to “protect the property rights of homeowners” and had to do with how far back houses have to be built from the ocean.
McElraft and her supporters wanted to prevent the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources from denying developers or homeowners the ability to repair or rebuild valuable oceanfront homes because they were considered too close to the ocean by current standards.
The bill that passed ended up a “watered-down version of an initial proposal to put strict limits on the state’s use of climate-change data,” The N&O reported.
The law says the General Assembly does not intend to require the development of a policy on sea-level rise, which it called “sea-level change” or define rates of change “for regulatory purposes.”
“No rule, policy, or planning guideline that defines a rate of sea-level change for regulatory purposes shall be adopted,” the law says.
Makes sense, right? Well, don’t you know, the bureaucrats and environmentalist whackos know better than us liberty-minded peons.
Notice the condescension dripping out of that N&O article? First the suggest that McElraft’s profession as a real estate agent, and contributions from realty concerns, mean that her motivation for sponsoring the bill was sinister and profit motivated.
Of course, it was liberty motivated. What person in their right mind would want some bureaucratic scientists adopting an arbitrary standard that would in turn dictate what an individual could do with their property?
The entire article openly attaches potential damage from this storm to the Republican decision to make sure this commission report did not have the power of law through out state agencies.
It is a naked smear intended to frame Republicans as stupid and reckless “deniers,” when in fact that simply don’t buy into the man-made hysteria, the exaggerated chicken-little sea level forecasts, and all of the huge government burdens that come along with environmentalism.
For more of the Left’s ‘Holier than thou’ attitude on this subject, read this article here and ask yourself why these people think THEY are the ones that should run OUR lives.
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