The Green New Deal, An Exercise in Insanity

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The crazy keeps getting crazier when it comes to the proposal from members of the Far Left who have found their way into elected office. Outdoing themselves on a nearly daily basis, a proposal unveiled Thursday by the Left’s socialist darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the ‘Green New Deal,’ borders on actual insanity.

The Federalist’s David Harsanyi sums it up well:

“It is not hyperbole to contend that GND is likely the most ridiculous and un-American plan that’s ever been presented by an elected official to voters. Not merely because it would necessitate a communist strongman to institute, but also because the societal cost are unfathomable. The risible historic analogies Markey and Ocasio-Cortez rely on, the building of the interstate highway system or moon landing, are nothing but trifling projects compared to a plan overhauls modernity by voluntarily destroying massive amounts of wealth and technology. That is the GND. [… ]”

Among the goals the Green New Deal hopes to achieve in the next 10 years are:

  • elimination of all fossil fuel energy production
  • eliminating all nuclear power
  • to replace every “combustion-engine vehicle” — trucks, airplanes, boats, and 99 percent of cars — within ten years.
  • “retrofit every building in America” with “state of the art energy efficiency.”
  • Build out “high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary.”
  • Guaranteed government jobs that provide a family-sustaining wage, family and medical leave, vacations, and a pension.
  • Free college and trade schools for everyone
  • Government-provided “healthy food” for everyone
  • Free housing for everyone
  • Economic Security, or free money, to anyone unable, or unwilling to work
  • Ban meat (methane emissions)

Beyond the fact that one would have to be mind-numbingly stupid to believe these goals were in any way attainable, the means required to even make the attempt are, more importantly, profoundly immoral.

The ideas are un-American precisely because their execution is contingent upon the absolute destruction of individual liberty at its core. Just entertaining these ideas means one must have not only a detachment from basic math and logistics, but also palpable hostility toward individual rights, freedom, and basic moral truths.

With such proposals, the new Democrats are pushing the window of acceptability as far as to the Left as they can. Someone needs to needs to close the window, before they push us, and the American idea, right out of it.

Read more about the absurdity of the Green New Deal here.

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