The speed at which things have been unraveling in 2020 has been jarring. From normalcy to Pandemic Panic lockdown with maximum fear in a matter of weeks; from ostensibly united against the pandemic (or the panic), to nationwide riots and cultural revolution in a matter of days. While the threat of the former will inevitably pass with time, the threat inherent in the latter is pervasive, aggressive, and emboldened.
It’s the maturing of the social justice, critical race theory, identity culture into open pushes for radical revolution. It’s the ascendance of the Cult of Woke.
At First in Freedom Daily, we’ve been pointing out the advancement of the social justice movement of ‘woke’ leftists, its implications, its dangers, and its morally flawed framework. If only it were exaggeration to describe what’s currently happening in our nation as a Marxist cultural revolution with BLM and critical race theory as its vehicle.
But we see the evidence of that statement everywhere. People are being fired for cracking their knuckles (racist); corporations are tripping over each other to donate to Black Lives Matter; a major US city has relinquished control of a precinct to armed and violent anarcho/communists; dissenting opinions that go counter to the ‘woke’ dogma are censored, their purveyors demonized and ruined; and municipalities around the country are voting to defund police while intermittent violent protests and looting goes mostly unimpeded.
The inherent guilt of whiteness, the Original Sin, the systemic racism, against a capitalist system that promotes racism, and the call to overthrow the entire system in order to re-imagine it as a Marxist anti-racist society. Not a non-racist; an anti-racist.
Consider this the chickens coming home to roost after decades of academia tolerating, entertaining, and then embracing and promulgating radical, dogmatic, exclusively collectivist social and political theories. Consider the dangerous absurdity of a disaffected 20-something taking up arms and burning cities to establish a communist society built on a violent enforcement of woke dogma, and draw a straight line to academic circles of ‘higher learning’ that have pushed critical race theory, Marxism, and Saul Alinsky with a passion, while exiling and witch-trialing any dissenting academic inquiry.
The snuffing out of dissent, the fomenting of fear and social pressure against honest questions, is key in expanding a cult. It seems to have been successfully mainstreamed. Black Lives Matter, an organization openly built on communism, critical race theory and violent cultural revolution has a public approval raring of a +28 points.
Yet that approval rating, higher than virtually any politician, government entity, or corporation, has spiked especially in the last two years.
Notice the approval gains BLM earned among postgraduates and young people during the time frames. Look at Democrats’ progressive embrace of a radically race-centric organization pushing the overthrow of the US government and society as we know it.
It should go without saying he BLM activists and adherents haven’t moderated over these last two years. It’s quite obvious that they’ve exploded on to the scene with similarly motivated radicals join the effort at anarchy.
Still, the social pressures makes any dissent against BLM a heretical offense, and the virtue signaling is in full force throughout media, business, and culture. You won’t find any bowing to that sort of collectivist dogma here, however.
One academic that’s been valiantly exposing academia for the intersectional mess that it is (He and a team changed Mein Kampf to say Whites instead of Jews and got it accepted and published in a peer-reviewed journal to prove how ridiculous it has become), thought there should be an impartial area where these issues could be explored honestly, where critical justice theory could be addressed for what it is.
He’s launched NewDiscourses.com as a platform for objective research and discussions on these issues, especially “for those who feel like they’ve been displaced from their political homes because of the movement sometimes called “Critical Social Justice” and the myriad negative effects it has had on our political environments, both on the left and on the right.”
With articles like The Intellectual Fraud of Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility,” a book currently in the top 5 of NY Times Bestsellers on account of employers and institutions buying it in droves to educate indoctrinate their employees, members, and students to be woke anti-racists; and, White Silence is NOT Violence, the site is bright light of academic dissent in a sea of dogmatic social justice zombies.
The essays there make a very strong case that the current socio-political movement embodies the defining attributes a cult, a sentiment presented here and elsewhere when examining the social justice warriors of the Left. The Cult of the Woke is here, and, if polls are to be believed, it is approved by more Americans than ever before, reluctantly or not.
What comes next is anyone’s guess; 2020 is not conducive to forecasting, to say the least.
One should hope, however, that the oft mentioned ‘Silent Majority’ begins to shout and scream in defiance of the cultural muzzling and brainwashing being foisted upon them like never before.
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