DURHAM – Driving to work this morning you might have heard a local news report. If you’re anywhere the Triangle the report likely highlighted the latest shooting in Durham, much like every other weekend in the Bull City. Alongside Durham’s incessant gang violence, though, there has been a siege of local elections, inserting radicals on the Far Left into leadership positions. When it comes to Durham’s dive off the deep end, there could be more than meets the eye according to Trevor Loudon, contributor for the Epoch Times, presents.
Instead of haphazard and organic political transitions, Loudon details how very directed forces on the Far Left — as in the Maoists and the Communist Party — have been targeting places like Durham in an effort to turn whole states ‘Blue’ like they have in Virginia just to our north.
Pay attention to how far the tentacles of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Loudon says the group, which has changed to it’s moniker to Liberation Road, “has been the pre-eminent pro-China communist party in the country,” extend into our local politics.
From the Epoch Times:
“In the early 1970s, Durham activists affiliated with the communist New American Movement formed two collectives—a health collective and a socialist feminist collective. In 1973, the health collective became the Durham Organizing Committee (DOC). The DOC later split, some members entering a Marxist-Leninist collective that eventually became the Communist Workers Party and others forming the Durham People’s Alliance (DPA).
Since that time, the DPA has become a major force in local politics. With the ability to raise money and a small army of door knockers and phone-bankers, DPA’s endorsement is widely sought by candidates on the left.
North Carolina Democratic congressmembers David Price and GK Butterfield and former Sen. Kay Hagan have all been endorsed and helped by DPA’s 2,000 members—as have dozens of lower-level politicians. […]
The Triangle area has experienced widespread education labor unrest in recent years, mainly because of the Durham Association of Educators (DAE), a local affiliate of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) and the National Education Association.
Longtime FRSO/Liberation Road cadre Bryan Proffit is on the board of the NCAE and was president of the DAE. […]
Launched in early 2016, Durham For All grew out of a group of FRSO supporters who had been working together for some years on local politics.
In 2014 and 2015, members of the founding team began experimenting with building political power through local elections, and led “victories to elect young, progressive people of color into local offices.”
Durham For All is a completely Liberation Road creation and is the counterpart of similar front groups Richmond For All in Virginia and Memphis For All in Tennessee.
Durham For All plans to build a force in Durham of 10,000 people to first take control of the city, then the entire state. The first goals were to take control of the City Council in 2017 to 2019 then to flip the state to the Democrats in 2020. […]”
So will they be successful? If the Bull City is culminating it’s transition to the Bull-shevik City, then places like Chapel Hill, Asheville, Charlotte, and Raleigh cannot be far behind.
Read more on the background of the Maoist groups and their decades long effort to turn North Carolina politics so Blue, that it’s Red.
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