RALEIGH – You just can’t make this stuff up. Attorney Chris Anglin, the Democrat posing as a Republican in the lone Supreme Court race in order to sink the Republican incumbent and hand the race to a social justice warrior Democrat candidate, is suing legislative leaders for preventing the Left’s chicanery.
His lawyer for this case is a guy named John Burns, a big time Lefty that is openly stumping for the campaign of, not Chris Anglin, but the Democrat opponent Anita Earls.
Just exactly how high off your own supply do you have to be to be a partisan Democrat trying to help a fellow Dem pretend to be an R to help your preferred candidate win judicial office and act like you have the moral high ground? #NCPOL pic.twitter.com/KnMI2Tbc3S
— Brent Woodcox (@BrentWoodcox) August 7, 2018
If there is no honor among thieves, there is absolutely no shame among Democrats.
Mr. Woodcox is apt to point this out, and continues to press Chris Anglin’s campaign adviser, another Democrats, Perry Woods, on who he will actually vote for in the election – his client, or the Democrat he is really helping, Anita Earls?
The @anglin4justice campaign is so serious and above board that his own consultant donated to an opponent and won’t commit to voting for him. Also, @WhalerCane was the campaign consultant for the judge in charge of the case involving @anglin4justice. #NCPOL media, you awake? pic.twitter.com/8lUIezuY80
— Brent Woodcox (@BrentWoodcox) August 7, 2018
This, ladies and gentleman, is what one would call a ruse. His own consultant is donating to another campaign and won’t commit to voting for him.
If it was painfully obvious already, it becomes more clear by the day that Democrats conspired to take advantage of a loophole (admittedly one that Republicans carelessly left open) and are running another “Republican” in this judicial race to elevate the chances of their favored candidate, Radical Leftist Anita Earls, of unseating incumbent Republican Justice Barbara Jackson.
Woods likes to protest that they’ve been transparent the entire time concerning the purpose of their campaign and why he filed as a Republican, but his argument doesn’t stand up to the fact that millions of people that will fill out ballots leading to and on election day will have ZERO knowledge of that explanation. All they will have, if Anglin wins his case, is two candidates labeled Republican, and one labeled Democrat.
That is not transparency. That’s a trick. A trick Woods, Burns, and especially Anglin, should be ashamed of. But we already established, there is no shame among these Democrats.
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