RALEIGH – Governor Roy Cooper is demonstrated a pattern associated with the authoritarian leanings he’s been embracing during the Pandemic Panic: He makes sweeping suggestions about how you should operate in your daily lives; upon any hint of resistance, he ‘strongly urges’ people to comply, or else; and, then he finally issues an authoritarian decree under the guise of emergency powers to force the ‘suggestion’ under penalty of law.
For good measure, he’ll shame and demonize those that question his authority or resist submitting to his commands.
In a hilarious turn of (unrecognized) irony, Governor Roy Cooper blasted in a press conference Tuesday people that don’t obey his face mask mandate as “selfish” people that are infringing “on the life and liberty of everyone else […].”
He is, of course, referring to individuals that don’t wear a face mask in public places or establishments. Cooper is visibly miffed that some people will not obey his commands.
From Independent Tribune:
“[…] “For those who continue to defy basic decency and common sense because they refuse to wear a mask — either wear one or don’t go in the store,” Cooper said. “The refusal to wear a mask is selfish. It infringes on the life and liberty of everyone else in the store.”
The Democratic governor added that widespread mask use isn’t only vital in preventing the spread of the virus, but could have rippling effects on the state.
“Not only is wearing a mask the decent, neighborly thing to do, it’s the best way to boost our economy,” he said. […]”
So, the person not wanting to cover their face is selfish and infringing on others’ liberties…
…and the cohort demanding (commanding) that individual cover their face so that THEY feel safer in the face of some collective fear; the cohort pushing that individual to signal concurrence with the consensus; the cohort scolding, shaming, and demonizing any individual that resists such face-covering practices; that’s the UNselfish bunch?
Now, to be sure, in focusing on individual rights and freedoms, one should be careful not to confuse their own desires to live mask-free as in anyway trumping the right of any a business owner to require you wear a mask in their place of business. There is clearly a difference between people that understand what individual liberty entails, and jerks.
But Cooper’s reference to infringement of liberties is a real knee-slapper. This is the man that arbitrarily shutdown church services, forced businesses closed, prohibited gatherings of more than 10 people, decreed Stay-at-Home orders under penalty of law, and did it all unilaterally, over the opposition of the Council of State, in direct contravention to laws governing Emergency Powers and associated executive orders.
The one-man-ruler that quite literally issued orders that sent record numbers to the unemployment line, bankrupted businesses, ruined livelihoods, stunted educations, and had arrested people that dared open their business or stand too close to a stranger. All while making allowances and excuses for riots and anti-American Marxist cultural movements because he knows they represent his voting base.
THIS is the autocrat leaning on the language of ‘Life and Liberty’?
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