DURHAM – As with many other school districts across the state, especially the more populous ones with deep blue politics and special interest groups, students, the students, parents, and staff of Durham Public Schools have struggled with closures, delays in reopening, and a big whopping dose of Pandemic Panic politics.
The debate over reopening has further demonstrated some local teachers groups, and the NCAE, to be Far Left union wannabes more interested in such an agenda, and leveraging the Pandemic Panic to get it, than actually educating children.
The results of this can be seen in the hysteria over returning to school, as one Durham school board member calls out the vitriol of teachers bullying, and issuing threats against those who support reopening.
From the News & Observer:
The board’s vice chair, Mike Lee, said teachers have bullied him over his vote to reopen schools, with some staff alluding to his three children in their criticisms.
“Threatening families, threatening board members, attacking them for their opinion and their beliefs,” he said. “That is not organizing.”
No; that is the result of the Left’s organizing of a Pandemic Panic that normalized — even encouraged — previously unthinkable social, professional, and personal attacks against those that do not adopt the narrative for the good of the collective, over the rights and well being of individuals and families.
Lee goes on:
“[…] “When I met with the teachers before the emergency meeting, not one word was said about the health and wellness of our students. It was about what the teachers want,” he said.
Parents across the district, including himself, are only seeing a shell of what their children used to be, he said.
“Do I vote against the interests of my child, who I know needs to be in school? I can’t do that as a board member,” he said.
Then, he rebuked teachers and condemned “the vitriol, the hate, the threats” he’s seen “towards parents who simply wanted to bring their kids back because they are struggling.”
“This may be the first disagreement that I’ve had with the teachers,” he added. “And the first thing they say is ‘vote him out.’ ‘You should resign.’ ‘You want our teachers to die.’”
He looked at both sides of the reopening debate and formed his opinion after talking to officials, he said.
“In almost every situation, it has been, ‘With the proper protocols, schools can open.’ But having that opinion apparently calls for hate and threats,” he said. “That’s where we are here in Durham. ‘You disagree with us, you’re dead to me.’” [..]”
A spokesperson for the Durham Teachers Association (DTA) — Far Left wannabe union that demanded expanded Medicaid and stimulus payments “regardless of immigration status” before they’d return to school — professed ignorance and opposition to such threatening comments, of course.
And then immediately followed it with a call to raise their voices more, make them heard and to share how they feel about reopening. Of course.
Yes; louder, DTA members. It appears you’re not quite finished drowning out the children’s voices just yet.
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