NC-11 – Republican candidate for North Carolina’s western Congressional District, Madison Cawthorn, seems to be directly over the target. He must be; the flak he’s catching is a full volley, of the sort only launched by a desperate enemy facing imminent defeat.
In fact, the young and inspiring congressional candidate — he’d be the youngest in congress should he win — doesn’t just stand to beat the Democrat in his race. Being that this district is quite conservative, it’s previous representative being none other than now WHite House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, the animus directed at Cawthorn is much bigger than that.
Cawthorn, as a young, unapologetic conservative, stands to wreck the Left’s control of so many young and impressionable minds. So, the Left thinks he must be destroyed, and we’re witnessing their attempts to do just that as they do their best to ‘Kavanaugh’ him.
Yes, in a revival of the #metoo smears and a nod to the horrendous and shameful circus that was the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings, the Left is now framing Cawthorn as a horrible and rapacious monster after reports that he ‘aggressively kissed’ and put the hand on the leg of teenage girls, when he was teenager.
From World Magazine (?):
“[…] Is Cawthorn the great representative of family values his campaign indicates? Several women, citing his behavior toward them, say no. The women say Cawthorn exhibited sexually or verbally aggressive behavior toward them when they were teenagers.
Two women say he forcibly kissed them. One woman told me he grabbed her thigh and moved his hand an inch or two beneath her dress. WORLD has corroborated each woman’s account with at least one other individual.
I contacted Cawthorn’s campaign to ask about the women’s claims. Cawthorn’s campaign turned down my initial request to interview him and did not respond to three subsequent requests. The campaign did email me a statement addressing one woman’s claims. […]”
If you’re rolling you eyes, you’re not alone. The takeaway here is hardly that Cawthorn is some sort of sexual predator; the takeaway is that the Left is terrified of what he can do for the Republican brand, and thus the damage he can serve up to the Left’s communist cause.
That’s really all you nee to know about this story. To read more of the smear campaign, you can go here. To let the Left know what you think of such smear campaign tactics, go here.
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