From the Daily Haymaker:
“Now that I’ve had some time to decompress and analyze it all, here are a few thoughts:
Conservatism is DEAD. Stick a fork in it. On the eve of the primary, the alleged conservative revolution on Jones Street announced a ONE BILLION DOLLAR increase in state spending. Here in Moore County, we reelected a state senator who actually authored legislation that led to sales tax and lottery proceeds being diverted away from our county. We also reelected a state House member who stood idly by and did nothing while his colleagues swiped our money. To top it all off, we voted overwhelmingly to raise our own property taxes to pay for desperately-needed new schools that WOULD HAVE been paid for if we had actual representation in Raleigh protecting our cash from the vultures.
Meanwhile, all over the state, Republicans favoring subsidies for wind and solar energy got elected and reelected. Same for Republicans opposing offshore drilling. (Meanwhile, the gulf states are enjoying a $188 million revenue windfall thanks to the drilling going on down there.)
Meanwhile, the Raleigh-based alleged guardians of conservatism in the Pope Empire are waxing poetically about Lord Fancypants of Runnybritches and his 16th century ruminations on Keynesian sheep-breeding.
The Republican Party took off in North Carolina thanks to the conservative messages of Ronald Reagan and Jesse Helms. They made it cool to end your family’s tradition of voting Democrat. Now, it’s all about more government spending and subsidies for alternative energy scams.
Yep. Stick a fork in it.”
Read the rest of Brant’s rant here.
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