Ted Budd Senate Campaign Boasts $1.7 Million Cash on Hand, Targets McCrory in Press Release

RALEIGH – The U.S. Senate campaign of Congressman Ted Budd is touting it’s apparent jump to first place in the primary fundraising race. In a press release Wednesday, the Budd campaign said it had more than $1.7 million in cash on hand.

From the release:

“Ted Budd for US Senate filed their FEC report today. The campaign brought in more than $950K for the quarter and now leads the candidate field with over $1.7M cash-on-hand, eliminating any fundraising disadvantage six months ahead of schedule and leaving Budd with almost $800K more cash-on-hand than his closest Republican primary opponent.”

While the cash on hand may put Budd out in front, and ahead of schedule according to their campaign, the quarterly haul is notably smaller than that of their main opponent former Governor Pat McCrory, who raised over $1.2 million over the same period.

Remember, too, that this period is the one in which Budd received the giant endorsement of former President Donald Trump at the NCGOP convention. It’s unclear where his numbers stood before the endorsement, but it is clear that it still wasn’t enough to outraise McCrory for the quarter. Take from that what you will.

Meanwhile, the Mark Walker campaign should be out with numbers soon. His haul over the period may help determine, in addition to his active campaigning, if this remains a true three-candidate race or not.

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