RALEIGH – Last spring so many teachers took a day off to protest for higher pay in Raleigh that dozens of school districts across the Old North State were forced to close due to teacher absences. This year the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE), an affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA) is planning another big protest, this time on May 1.
In a Facebook post, the NCAE stated that “May 1 will be a Day of Action for public education.”
“I’m sad to say, we still have enemies on Jones Street,” said NCAE President Mark Jewell in the post. “It’s time we paid them another visit.”
If that date rings a bell, it’s because it is ‘May Day,’ or ‘International Workers Day,’ otherwise known as the favorite holiday of communists the world over. Lest you think the choosing of that date is merely a coincidence, take a look at the logo for this movement, and then consider Jewell’s comments again.
With one image, the NCAE puts itself in the good company of communism, that scourge of a political philosophy whose purveyors are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people over the last 100 year or so.
It’s so fitting because, as Jewell alluded to with his talk of ‘enemies,’ the true purpose of the NCAE leadership is not to push for better education. Instead, that organization exists simply to elect more Democrats, who will throw more of our money at public schools, while doing everything in their power to snuff out school choice. It is a nakedly political agenda, exposed further by the NCAE’s refusal to acknowledge the progress made in their purported area of concern – teacher pay.
Over the last five years, Republican legislative majorities have annually raised teacher pay, coming in at the third highest rate of pay increases in the country. Republicans have been great for teachers, despite the narrative spun by the Leftists and their friends in the media. The average teacher in North Carolina makes nearly $54,000 in annual salary, not including benefits. That is nearly 20 percent more since 2013.
So, since demanding Republicans do something about teacher pay doesn’t quite match reality the group’s list of demands for this protest include expanding Medicaid. This is further confirmation of NCAE’s Far Left political agenda.
That is, if the raised red fist didn’t tip you off first! The NCAE and those that help them push their message should be called out for what they are – radical progressives that more align with the policies that underpin international communist movements than they do with the good people of North Carolina. Our children, and their parents, deserve far better than this; they deserve choices for quality education and an education system that is focused more on quality education outcomes than pushing Big Government and the Left’s agenda.
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