If you’ve ever wondered just what kind of craziness your tax dollars are supporting at the fine institutions of the University of North Carolina System, you can get a taste by perusing the courses and seminars offered as part of UNC-Charlotte’s ‘Sex Week.’
One event, called ‘Cookies & Condoms,’ aims to educate students on condom use and helping them practice putting them on dummy objects. Because college-age students can’t possibly be expected to know how to use condoms, or figure it out themselves.
Here are a couple samples:
F*** Like Your Life Depends On It
Date: February 23, 2018 – 12:00 PM
Location: Union 200
While registered as a Wellness Passport Program event through the Center for Wellness Promotion, F*** Like Your Life Depends On It is sponsored by the UNC Charlotte student organization “Sex Week UNC Charlotte” and is part of a week of events with the same name. Information about this event can be found on the Sex Week UNC Charlotte website.
Tales from “Down There” Featuring Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues and A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and a Prayer (Faculty/Staff production)
Our new staff and faculty and student productions strive to create a more inclusive voice related to gender inequality, sexual violence and relationship violence.
The award-winning play “Vagina Monologues” is based on V-Day Founder/playwright Eve Ensler’s interviews with more than 200 women. With humor and grace the piece celebrates women’s sexuality and strength. Through this play and the liberation of this one word, countless women throughout the world have taken control of their bodies and their lives.
These are the issues that students and faculty put their energy behind? Is it too much to ask a state funded university system to focus on educating students on topics that may keep them out of the unemployment line, instead of priming them to man the picket line at the latest Leftist protests?
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