LAKE NORMAN – A shaky video of an alleged space craft over Lake Norman has been getting picked up by tabloids overseas and leading some to ask if we are alone in the universe, and if the videographer was riding a jackhammer while filming the suspicious sight.
Per the Charlotte Observer:
“A video gaining traction on social media is suggesting a “huge” UFO was recently spotted over North Carolina’s Lake Norman, north of Charlotte.
The footage, recorded May 29 by Jason Swing, shows a long slender object hovering for more than two minutes over the man-made lake.
Swing calmly calls the object “a space craft” in his video.
“It had been raining all morning. Rain finally stopped so we went (to) pick up a boat from Lake Norman,” Swing says in a post with the video. “When (I) came around the corner I saw this thing sitting still very close.””
What do you think? Unidentified Flying Object? Aliens? Ghosts of Orville and Wilbur Wright?
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