RALEIGH – “Republican” candidate for the N.C. Supreme Court Chris Anglin is a Democratic plant, put up as a spoiler for the benefit of Social Justice Warrior Anita Earls. Anglin was a Democrat mere weeks before filing for the race. His campaign adviser is Democratic strategist Perry Woods, who is quite active on Twitter attacking incumbent Justice Barbara Jackson (and not Anita Earls) and feigning indignation as anyone with the half a brain that sees the sham for what it is.
Now, Woods is sparring with powerful Republican House Rules chairman Rep. David Lewis (R-Harnett) over Anglin’s dishonest campaign. Well, sparring would imply following general rules of political discourse as a professional who is serious about serving the people of North Carolina.
Instead, Woods shows his true colors and goes low. Very low.
Attack me if you like. I know what I believe & what party I belong to. I know you used this poor kid even if he doesn’t. I promise you can think no less of me than I of you. See, @anglin4pawn may not know you’re using him & making him look stupid but everyone else does. #ncpol https://t.co/uThyKAcmx9
— David R Lewis (@RepDavidRLewis) October 19, 2018
This Democrat who commonly chides Republicans for President Trump’s bullying behavior is making fun of a man’s stuttering problem to somehow score political points. How desperate have Democrats become to stoop to this level of childish insult while acting as if they’re the adults in the room.
Lewis – whatever you think of him politically – is a man that has had a stuttering problem his entire life. Despite that he has risen to one of the most powerful and visible legislative positions in the State, one that requires near constant public speaking. Imagine the confidence one would have to muster to, having a stuttering problem, embark on a career driven by oratory.
It’s no surprise that Lewis let Woods know that he thinks very little of him. As should the voters think little of his client Chris Anglin, a Democrats’ pawn whose strings are pulled by the Left.
Justice Barbara Jackson is the real Republican in the race, and the only one intent on guarding against the judicial activism Earls is chomping at the bit to push.
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