RALEIGH – Three Republican N.C. Senators have filed legislation to ensure police funding is protected against the movement to defund (and demonize) law enforcement. Senate Bill 100 would simply make a corresponding reduction in state-shared revenue to any municipality ‘defunding’ law enforcement by one percent or more.
The pressures of Woke reform building in cities around the country over the last year or so have manifested in ‘Defund’ reforms that have, to varying degrees, taken resources away from law enforcement as if that will solve the perceived problems in these communities.
Naturally, crime has spiked in those places where police have either been defunded or handcuffed to impossible Woke standards that make actual law enforcement ‘problematic.’
Now think of the Wokest cities in North Carolina; Durham, Asheville, Greensboro, Charlotte. Fittingly, their violent crime rates were through the roof over the last year.
Sens. Chuck Edwards (R-Buncombe), Norm Sanderson (R-Pamlico), and Danny Britt (R- Robeson) want to make sure that such trends do not continue, hence the Police Funding Protection Act.
Basically, if a city (or other local entity) reduces police funding by at least one percent, the State will penalize them by making them take an equal reduction in state-distributed law enforcement funds. Within 15 days of a city council passing some Woke Defund the Police action, the city finance officer will have to report it to the relevant State entities, the penalty deduction will kick in, and may the locals may even have to pay funds back that have already been allocated by the State.
It’s the kind of bill that’s bound to catch flak and a veto from Governor Roy Cooper should it ever make it out of the General Assembly. That means the bill sponsors are squarely over the target. Follow the bill’s progress here.
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