COLUMBUS COUNTY – The hits, they keep on coming. The fallout from possible election fraud in the 9th District of the Old North State has implications for all sorts of races. Some counties are wondering why some races were certified and some weren’t if the alleged fraudulent activity included both groups on the ballot?
Less notable than the congressional race, the State Board of Elections is asking a county to ‘de-certify’ a sheriff’s race due to possible fraud. If all politics is local, this likely has a bigger impact on those citizens than does the congressional saga.
From the Daily Haymaker:
“State efforts to block certification of local races in the Ninth Congressional District have bled over to a local race in the neighboring Seventh District.
Greene was sworn in on December 3. There have been all kinds of personnel changes in the department since then.
Apparently, there are issues there with absentee ballots. And, apparently, there had been sightings of McRae Dowless — the alleged villain in the Robeson and Bladen investigations — in the county during the election. (Greene, the Republican, was apparently also a client of Red Dome Group — which also worked with Mark Harris.)”
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